Térms and conditions


Rafa o Mª Carmen will be happy to assist you.


Up to 30 days before the arrival date, you can cancel without charge., once that date has passed the full reservation amount is payable.

Should the guest not arrive then the full reservation amount will be charged and the reservation cancelled without further obligation on our part.

Changing the named guest and/or the reservation dates will be considered a new reservation and shall be subject to our cancellation policy.


Check in at the apartment is from 15:00h If you are arriving earlier please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to help you.

Arrivals after 9:00 p.m. will have a surcharge of €30. There are no check-ins after 01:00 a.m.

Check out is at 11:00h If you want to depart later please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to help you. If you overstay your departure time, we will charge the additional time against your deposit.


Please remember that your apartment is in a residential neighbourhood ao we ask you to respect the norms governing peace and quiet. Please treat the apartment well and leave it as you found it. So as not to waste energy please turn off the air-conditioning and lights when you go out. Energy bills are included in the price always assuming that the use of energy is moderate and responsible.

The person in whose name the reservation has been made must be over 18 years of age and be the same person who is staying in the apartment. When making the reservation the number of persons who will be staying in the apartment must be stated and be the same as the number of guests actually staying. The capacity of the apartment must not be exceeded.

The guest who makes the reservation and signs the paperwork on arrival will be held responsible for the behaviour of those guests who accompany him/her.

Guests must not engage in any activities in the apartment which might disturb the neighbours.

Patrimonial Prieto S.L. reserves the right of admission. Any scandalous behaviour or improper conduct which disturbs the peace and quiet in the building will lead to immediate expulsion whatever the time of day or night and will entail the loss of rhe rental fee and deposit with no rights of compensation or refund.

Please respect the neighbours by keeping noise to a minimum not only in the apartment but also on the stairs and grounds.

The operative rules of the building residential committee must be followed and care taken with all fixtures and fittings held in common.

Parties inside the apartment are not allowed. Are strictly forbidden.

Please don’t smoke inside the apartment. There is a terrace where you can do so.

The client expressly recognises that the contracted apartment is not and will not be considered his/her fixed address and that he/she has rights of use only for the contracted period.

Patrimonial Prieto S.L. accepts no responsibility for any injury, debt, damage, loss, delay, expense or inconvenience caused to the guest for any cause or reason or through any occurence. Neither do we accept any responsibility for loss, robbery or misplacement of any personal items belonging to guests (documentation, money, jewellery.) left in the apartment.


Please keep noise to a minimum between 22:00 and 09:00.

Lock the apartment door when you go out and put your rubbish in the skips in the street.

Loss of apartment keys or the parking remote control will incur a charge of 50 euros against your deposit.


When the guest arrives at the apartment, he/she will be charged 200€ as a deposit. The reason for the deposit is to guarantee that the property and its contents will be in the same condition on the guest’s departure as he/she found them on arrival. The deposit will be returned seven (7) days after your departure once the property has been inspected and in the event that there are no damages.


Spanish legislation will cover all legal questions including those concerning our web-site or anything derived from it. Valencian, Spanish courts or tribunals or if applicable, the consumer arbitration tribunal being considered the competent authorities in the resolution of all disputes derived from or related to the use of the present web-site.

If you have reason to complain about our services first please contact us by e-mail or in writing at the address above in the hope that we can find an amicable solution to any problem.


The information supplied by you when you make the booking will be added to Patrimonial Prieto SL records to manage your booking and send you our company’s new offers. Following national security legislation your information may be given to state security forces thereby obeying the law regarding citizen security. Yopur information will not be sent to any third party except for those agencies of state which may require it. In all cases you can exercise your rights of Access, correction cancellation and rejection of stored information as used by us by sending a letter togther with a copy of your identification papers ( Passport) to our home address or to reservas@360cityapartments.com


Patrimonial Prieto, S.L. reserves the right to update any of its terms and conditions at any time. The client must read the terms and conditions.

Having made this reservation you affirm that you have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions. On arrival at the apartment, the guest and the company will sign this document and the authorisation for the credit card and the deposit

NOTE: Terms covering cancellations that are individual to each apartment are to be found in their file.